Last year March 13 2020 an announcement came onto the pa system saying that March break would be extended for two more weeks. I remember the whole class being excited that we got more days off. At the time we didn’t think anything of it and we thought we would return after three weeks.
Well, it’s now March 30th, 2021 and I can safely say I didn’t return back to school. None of us did. The past year has been very different and very strange. A new way of living and not being able to see family or friends. I think we can all agree that this year sucked. It sucked really bad. I mean don’t get me wrong we probably had our good days/good weeks but that’s about it.
I know that a lot of people’s mental health including mine has been going downhill these past months. It seems that the motivation to even get out of bed is harder than before. Everything is just hard. I think the easiest thing is opening Netflix and putting on a good show watching it for hours on end.
Not going to lie I have watched about 6+ new shows in this year which is amazing but at the same time, I’m waiting for the next season which is annoying and I have probably watched Friends over 5 times at least this year. The first season is the best season and the last but the last season makes me cry every time.
Well, I’m getting off track. So as I was saying this year has been really hard. But it seems that a lot of people my age including me have been doing side jobs. Like making things on Etsy or freelancing on Fiverr which I’m doing and I remember the writer who wrote about it in the New York Times said that this may be the best thing going forward. Not money-wise but the skills Entrepreneuring. In future, it will help with jobs when it comes to speaking and marketing.
Besides what New York Times said about Entrepreneuring. I saw a video on Tik Tok and it was a teacher talking about Gen-Z and this whole covid thing. He said that out of everyone Gen-Z is the one group that is handling this quarantine so well. That gen-Z accepted it so quickly and learned a new way of life within months. He was crying and I was very confused as to why but as he went on he was really proud of this gen even though we missed out on so much like Grad and Prom. What he said made me feel a little better.
I do think that although this year has been messy there were so many lessons that I learned and maybe others have learned also. The biggest thing is self-love. Learning to love myself sounds really easy but it’s not and even now I’m still learning to love myself. Another thing would be boundaries and expressing myself. Saying no and caring about my body and mindset first and not letting people walk all over me. The last thing I learned is that I just have to breathe and relax. It’s ok not to do so much work every single day and that I deserve a day to binge-watch a whole season of New Girl.
But after a year it seems that things are finally calming down. The vacccines are getting rushed out and everyone well most are starting to get vaccinated. Canada is sorta behind on that. Like before America was doing really bad and Canada was doing way better than them but now it’s the opposite.
It has taken me a couple of days to write this blog post. It seems that every time I read it and write more it gets messier. But I have the excuse of being home for a whole year with barely any interaction with people besides my pets and parents.
All I have to say now is Happy Birthday Covid. I hate you. XOXO
Ps: For the dear life of me pronouncing or spelling the word Entrepreneuring is the most difficult thing. The number of times I had to go ask my mom how to spell or even pronounce it is sad at this point.