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Shy Girl Vibes

A shy girl with a blog

Self-care days are good and I believe everyone in the world should have some sort of self-care day. 

Sometimes self-care is taking a long bath and enjoying life’s quietness. Sometimes it’s burning incense and just sitting in a room or painting your nails or even going for a walk. 

Well for the most part these are all things that I have done over the years for self-care and I can say they are some of the best.  For me, one of my biggest self-care days is dying my hair. 

Here’s another short story of things that happen in my life. Well this story being about hair dye. 

So I love dying my hair. I have been dying my hair since middle school. However, now that I am older and have full control of my hair I started doing my entire head of hair before I was only allowed to do the tips. 

The thing with dying my hair is that it’s not one of those things where I have to take twenty minutes out of my life. I kinda the whole day kinda thing. 

I think the easiest part about dying my hair this time was making the Spotify playlist. Two-hour-long playlists with all my favourite music. I must admit if someone walked in on me dying my hair and they heard my playlist I feel like they may have been a tad concerned considering  some of my favourites are sad songs 

The one thing though I can say with dying my hair is all of a sudden I start to notice how many white cupboards and floors and well every white item that was in our washroom. I remember after jamming out to all my wonderful music and having a great two hours of my life trying not to die by the horrible fumes of hair dye and learning to hold my breath that somehow hair dye was everywhere….including my hair.

Like it was on places that didn’t even make sense. Maybe I accidentally flung it or maybe it grew wings. I just know that the end result was me cleaning everything up and everything surprisingly didn’t stain and was all cleaned up by the end. Even the sink. But the hair dye was literally everywhere and if a murder were to happen around where I live it would be very hard to explain to the cops that it’s hair dye and not actual blood although it really did look like blood. 

So dying my hair well and putting the colour in took about two hours. Then cleaning and watching a movie that made me cry I had to wash it out. 

Fully clothed in the bathtub crouching with my head under the tap rinsing all the dye out of my hair. Sounds very uncomfortable and well it was but the worse part was then the dye started to get into my eyes and I learned that my towel was not within arm’s reach but in fact across the washroom. I remember I just stared at it and I thought should I stay here and keep rising or should I quickly grab it before I continue to rinse? 

I should have done option B but instead, I did option A and the end result was hair dye all in my eyes and me stumbling out of the bathtub with my eyes burning as I tried to locate the towel. I think of my twenty years of living that was the most stupid thing I have done in a while and also learned how bad hair dye burns eyes. 

But of course, with rinsing out hair dye ends up with hair dye all over the place AGAIN…. So there I was eyes finally not burning from the hair dye and I was back to cleaning the washroom all over again trying to get all the hair dye out of all the white items we owned in the bathroom. 

In total everything took about four hours. Two of them me jamming to music. One of them cleaning and the other watching a movie in a very uncomfy position due to the bag on my head. 

As much as this was stressful and took a whole day out of my life. By the end of the day, I felt great. I had a nice music session and time to watch my movie and the end result was having a really nice colour of red hair. 

Sometimes you have to take a day out for yourself. Sometimes it gets messy but as long as you have a good time and the end result is you feeling better… That is worth everything, 

But I will say here. Always have a towel near you when dying your hair and put more paper towels down.