Hi my name is Carly well my full name is Carly Croutch and no it’s not pronounced Crouch although people sometimes do pronounce it like that like when I was in urgent care and the nurse yelled CARLY CROUCH and everyone looked at me…. Yeahhh kinda embarrassing but the loads of pain I was in I really didn’t care but now I overthink a lot and sometimes that comes back and haunts me. 


Somehow I have managed to drift away from the main subject so going back to what I was saying. My name is Carly and I am 19 years old. I was the first person or thousands maybe millions who first graduated during a pandemic and well are still living in one. I have a few maybe more than a few mental illnesses including the old ol depression and anxiety but at this point in my life, I wouldn’t be shocked if I was diagnosed with more than those two. 


Although I am 19 it seems that I am still learning so much whether that’s about myself or others or the random things that happen in this weird world or just the fact that I have no idea how to do taxes and I probably should learn that sooner or later cause well..yeah. 


Besides that, I am still having so many experiences in life whether it’s depression or something I saw on a walk or something random I thought about before I went to bed. My mind is a mess. I think this About Me post kinda shows. I won’t lie and say my blogs are perfect and all in order. I would be lying and I hate lying I actually love saying the truth so yeah this whole blog is a mess. However, I like sharing things about stuff that happens in my life or how I’m addicted to house plants (I currently have 9 houseplants living in my very small bedroom). My life can be very funny at times and the one thing I would do is send out storytimes to my friends on Snapchat and one day I thought hey why don’t I share it with the world. 


Once again it seems I am drifting apart from this About Me post but I guess I was always bad at writing these but I will give a few things about myself. I was born and raised in Canada Ontario. I love hairless cats and ONE day I will own one maybe two or three. I have two annoying dogs who I love so much. Two guinea pigs who don’t like me and a leopard gecko who honestly doesn’t care about me till I have her food in my hand and also have no idea if she’s is a she could be a he. I am anti-social and I love writing. I love writing the truth. 


My hope for my future is to be some sort of screenwriter-director person. Well, my biggest goal is to work for the Warner Brothers that’s my very very big goal but with every big goal comes very small goals, to begin with. You would think for someone who wants to be a writer would be well better at writing. I’m getting there slowly. 


I think this About me posts pretty much sums up who I am and the way this blog will turn out. If you managed to be here at the end of this blog. I hope you stay and have a great time.