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Shy Girl Vibes

A shy girl with a blog

In the four years of high school, every single person has been asked the same question. It’s like a mandatory question that people have to ask “are you going to college”. No one can deny that they have at least got asked that by a teacher or a friend. 

Now I understand that people wanna ask that question because you wanna know people’s plans for after high school cause usually when they go to college they are going for something they want their future to be like being a doctor or lawyer or something that needs a degree. So I understand and I was that person that asked people if they were going to college just to see what their plan was. 

However, it seems that when people ask they already know the answer is gonna be “Yes”. Like always they assume that I or anyone is gonna say yes but when you say no it’s a whole different story.

It’s like you just said something so rude to someone. They give you that look. That look of disappointment and wonder. You can tell by their face they’re judging you. Even on tv in movies and shows when the character says no the writers make it so the person is bad and should go to college. 

I hate the fact that when you finish high school college is the next thing. It’s like I just spent 13/14 years of my life in school and everyone is expecting me to go back to school. Like I nooo I don’t wanna go back. School was the reason why my mental illness was a thing. 

It just confuses me as to why people won’t accept that answer. Like me, I was one that denied the fact that I may not be going to college. Over the years I had mixed emotions about it. One day I really wanted to go and the next I didn’t want to go at all. One of the biggest reasons is how much money college is. I always hear people who are in their late 40s complaining how they have been paying off their student loan for years on end and they still owe so much because of interest. 

The second reason is just that I don’t really wanna go. The dream job that I have I don’t need a degree and learning to do my dream job is just having to write every single day until it gets better and better. 

I just wish that people didn’t react negatively when people said they weren’t going to college. Everyday things are changing people can learn their job just by watching other people and gaining experience. I will most likely be one of those people because I’m a visual learner and it’s way easier to learn that way. 

I hope that one day that not going to college is more accepted into the world. That people won’t make that judging face and ask you all those questions. It may happen in a couple of months or a couple of years but I truly can’t wait for that day to come. 

I guess now for the next year when people ask me I will politely say no and then they will judge my whole life within seconds. But I guess I dealt with so much dumb stuff in high school I think I can deal with it a little longer. 

Ps. To all the parents out there don’t try pushing your kids into something they don’t wanna do.