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Shy Girl Vibes

A shy girl with a blog

Birthdays. The day where you complain about how old you are getting. Unless you’re like 6 then your just enjoying cake. Birthday is a day where people you know will spam you with happy birthday texts and yell it from across the room to make sure that the whole building knows it’s your birthday. Then when you reach high school people care more about what sign you are and if you’re capable of being friends with them. 

I remember when I was a kid my parents would plan this big birthday at some sort of play area and I’m not gonna lie it was the best parties. I remember one party there was a bouncy castle it was literally the best thing in life. My birthdays though were pretty fun and as a kid I loved them and well the presents. I just loved opening presents when I was younger. 

As I got older birthday’s become an “Ehhhh it’s my birthday Yaya” In the most sarcastic tone ever. Don’t get me wrong I was happy I was getting older and getting closer to becoming 18 but it was the amount of attention that you get on your birthday. I remember one time I think about 2 maybe 3 years ago and I got off my bus and a couple of people said happy birthday and I nodded and thanked them but had to get to class before the bell ring and I remember walking in and from down the hall, I see one of my friends with a huge grin and I knew she was about to yell something. I wasn’t wrong all of a sudden you heard “HAPPY BIRTHDAY CARLY”. Everyone turned around and looked at me while she was just laughing. I just looked down and walked to my class. 

However, there is this one thing that happens every single year since grade 9 and it’s my mom asking me what I want for my birthday and I never know what to say. She will ask me multiple times want I want and I just sit there and say “I have no idea mom just get me whatever” literally every year and then right after my birthday I realized I need all these things and she was like “well you could have told me before your birthday”……. Four years later and it still happens but after three years of that struggle when I start to think of things I want I just put them on my amazon list so by the time my birthday comes around she’s not lost of what to get me. I will admit though the only thing I tell her to never get me is clothes. 

On this birthday turning 19 the legal age of drinking. I was more used to the fact that I couldn’t go anywhere due to covid so I didn’t have big hopes and had the mindset that it was gonna be bad. Well it was my depression talk and also that fact that it was the Prince’s funeral was also on my birthday and my mom would probably watch it because she from Wales and well the royals are her thing. 

I was wrong though. I guess knowing that my birthday was gonna be boring it turned out to be an amazing birthday. One of the best birthdays I had in years. Ate some amazing food and watch an amazing movie. The only thing that sucked was that I could finally legally drink but being a girl and having a period said NO DRINKING. So waking up sober and not having a hangover the next day was pretty good although I was dying from horrible cramps. 

I guess no matter if you hate or love birthdays you gonna have them and people will make sure you know that it’s your birthday. I guess just getting older is the annoying part.