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Shy Girl Vibes

A shy girl with a blog

Body insecurity 

A big thing through history or what I guess is a big thing. Everyone has it and deals with it, sometimes on a daily basis and sometimes once every few weeks. Sometimes it’s awful for people and can put them into deep depression or sometimes they get bummed out but brush it off. 

Body insecurity can sometimes be dealt with and sometimes it can’t. If someone thinks they gained a couple of pounds they will start to eat healthy and go to the gym. Sometimes maybe it’s the way your eyes sit on your face (It sounded better in my head). Or the freckles you have. Those you can’t really change kind of just have to accept that you have em and you have to love em. 

Nowadays social media is a huge thing. With Instagram, Tik Tok being the most known and used around the world. With that celebrities are showing pictures of themselves and showing what their rich life looks like. Most of these celebrities have a damn great body. They have no signs of any fat and their face is fine and their eyes are great. You see on Tik Tok these people who have toned abs and eating all this healthy food. 

You can’t help but think why can’t I have that body? 

As social media grows and the more I’m on it scrolling just seeing everyone and everyone’s body types the question is how the hell do I get my stomach to look like that? The body insecurity slowly kicks in just a little and it’s a point where I’m just so tired of seeing those “perfect bodies” where are the chubby bodies the ones who have fat to their stomach and truly don’t care. 

Now for me, I have my own insecurity. From being very very short and having a chubby stomach. All my years I’ve had a chubby stomach and it never really bothered me till I got older but even then I was ok with having it because it didn’t bother me known. I hate eating healthy and working out is not in the picture unless it’s a three-hour walk and I will do that because I love walking. 

During high school, my school had two buildings which meant I had to walk a lot. Between doing lots of cardio and teenage me having a very good fast metabolism I burned everything damn thing I ate and I was not a healthy eater. At one point the start of high school grades nine and ten I didn’t eat breakfast in the morning so by grade then when I was really hungry I took a family-size bag of chips with me and would down it the entire history class. By grade 12 I was doing so much work out wise that I was eating four meals a day and sometimes lucky me didn’t gain a pound of it. 

But now that I am out of school and getting older my metabolism is starting to slow just a little and all the workouts I used to don’t happen because I no longer need to walk to my classes. 

A couple of weeks maybe even a couple of months ago I started to notice fat on my arm. Well, the under arm I guess. At first, I just brushed it off but then the thing is my arm is in my line of sight every day so when I reached things or adjusted my hair or anything to do with my arms I noticed the jiggle of my arms that I never had. All of a sudden I hate my arms so much just because I gained a little bit of weight. It doesn’t seem that big of a deal and it shouldn’t but it really bothered me. All of a sudden you think how unhealthy your body may be and you feel sad because we are getting older and our bodies change but in this world, there’s a standard of what your body has to look like. I don’t know who made these standards up but there is and even if those standards are being pushed against people saying Fu every body is different through social media it’s still being thrown in our faces of these “Perfect bodies”.

Body insecurity sucks and some days are harder and some days are easier. The world is changing and a lot of healthy food still tastes like crap. It’s alright to not like the bottom of your arm or the way your face looks. But as we get older we realize it’s not worth the hate and not worth the energy of picking everything that’s wrong if you. We have to live in this body for 80-plus years. We might as well start loving it at one point or another.