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Shy Girl Vibes

A shy girl with a blog

The first day back to school is just around the corner or you live in America and school has already started. The first day back is the worst part of the year and also very boring. Since it’s the worse day, a lot of students are dreading the day and are just enjoying the last couple of days of summer before school starts. 

I would address this to middle schoolers or high schoolers but I don’t think middle schoolers would even be reading my blog. So to high school students or people whether your going into grade nine or your going into your last year this blog post is for you in a non-cheesy way. I promise. 

Like I said. School sucks. I mean you have teachers talking about some sort of thing from 20 years ago or you have annoyed people in your class that love to cause an outburst or the times where you ask your teacher about their life stories to waste the whole period away which is amazing.

Did I mention drama and fake friends and the overall annoyance of some people where you just wanna punch in the face? No well that too.

I have learned though after going back through my camera roll that although it was some of the worst years of my life is was also somehow don’t know but the best years of my life. 

Made memories made friends who are not fake and overall just the strange good time of being a high schooler. Is that even a word or something? 

This blog post was meant for students and not people to learn about my horrible but great time at school so back to wherever I started.

High school is a breeding ground for drama a literal breeding ground. People say and I will say it, always try your best to stay away even if your bestie or someone close is in drama just slowly back away kinda like a student Ed learning how to back out the driveway. 

Although hating school is something you have a very strong hatred for trying your best when it comes to working or speaking nicely to teachers. In the long run, it’s less tiring for you and your teacher will somewhat like you.

DO YOUR WORK. Get off your phone stop talking to your friend and pardon my language BUT GET SHIT DONE the sooner you get it the sooner you’ll be able to talk to your bestie or go on your phone and yes I 100% sounded like a teacher whoops. 

When your friends ask to hang out (maybe not during covid) but when they do say yes unless you have really bad social anxiety or rather be home then FaceTime them. Hang out, watch movies have an art day I was horrible at doing any type of art but my besties and I just painted our life away. 

Although at this time you think you’re just hanging out you are somehow making memories that will stick in your brain forever unfortunately aha. 

Back to school is a very stressful time. Going to high school for the first time. Last year of high school before you’re an adult and have no idea how to do taxes. Take it day by day. Some days will be horrible some days will be amazing and you’ll want to relive it. 

If it’s your first year. Forget everything your middle school teacher said because I bet they said some pretty stressful rude things about high school teachers. I remember in grade eight when our teachers talked about them I was in full panic attack mode scared I was gonna fail high school and that my teachers would give me low marks and they would hate me. 

High school teachers are actually pretty good. Yes, you have some strict ones but even then they are pretty cool. High school is laid back in some sorts the only time it’s stressed is around exams but once exams are done you wonder what you were even stressed about. 

To the high schoolers who are returning for another year. How are you doing? You ok? Whether you have three years two years left you doing good. See high school ain’t bad live out your life make memories and DRINK water.

Actually, I should say that to every person DRINK YA WATER your skin and body will thank you. 

To the high schoolers if it’s your last year. Time flew by right? Like it was yesterday when you first walked the halls and now you’re graduating in a few months well more than a few. Grade 12 will be a very strange year because you’re stressed but at the same time you’re not stressed and honestly it’s this big whole mess. But grade 12 will indeed fly by pretty quick and then they are asking for your gown size and if your parents want 100 of your grad photos. 

So to everyone who is going to school this year. Breath drink water and mind your own business and in the pg way get stuff done. 

Like I said school sucks but once it’s over you’ll think too damn it’s already been four years and you’re saying goodbye to friends that you may never talk to again and some friendships that will last a lifetime. No matter what after all this you’ll only have is the memories.

Good luck!