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Shy Girl Vibes

A shy girl with a blog

Warning: I have no idea where I went with this blog post

When you are young you don’t think about the cons of being an adult you just think about all the pros and what it’s like to not have anyone boss you around. Sorta. But we all wanna grow up and be ourselves in a sense. When you get to high school you start to learn about adulthood and the back pain with depression and slowly learn that being an adult sucks. Did I mention back pain and kneeling down to pick something up and standing back up with all my bones cracking and sounding like a beatbox machine. 

Well, when you are young you don’t think about the truth of being an adult or the things you have to do or think about on a daily basis. Because I know that all the stuff I go through now at this very moment I never thought I would be dealing with and sometimes I do want to slap my child-self for wishing to grow up god knows what she thinking at that time. 


I got a little sidetracked but back to the point that I was going to make. 

So since about elementary, I started getting these headaches or as the doctor term sinus headaches and sinus infections. Thank you dad side of the family. Sinus infections are not fun, they are actually pretty bad and they hurt a lot and sometimes medicine does not work at all. Sometimes blowing your nose till your nose feels like it’s gonna fall off or warm compression on your head till you feel yourself overheating helps. So basically when I was young I had to deal with two different headaches: a normal headache and a sinus headache. That seems like a good enough amount of different headaches right… 

Yeah no 

I won’t lie and say I am amazing at taking care of myself because I’m not. I am horrible at it and I am horrible at drinking water and eating a good amount of food on some days. Like I can go a day without drinking water or any type of fluid of that matter because I just forgot and got busy. 

Besides water it’s caffeine. The taste of coffee it’s new to me unless you hide it in a fancy drink that doesn’t taste like it at all and I will drink it or coke for that matter. Again I am horrible at taking care of myself which means I also eat along of junk and drink a lot of high sugar drinks that have caffeine. 

So now your wondering well she told us all these details why or is there a point to this whole mess of a blog. There is a point I promise. 

Now that I am 19, I am almost 20 years old. I don’t stress about relationships. I don’t stress about my writing career, I don’t worry about what I am eating on a daily. However, nowadays I have a damn quiz I have to ask myself EVERY DAMN TIME I HAVE A HEADACHE. Not to mention it took me so long to figure out the different types of headaches that I have. 

  1. Didn’t drink enough water and now my head is killing me and feels like its gonna explode 
  2. Normal headache just an annoying one 
  3. Caffeine headache because for some reason my body needs caffeine 
  4. A sinus headache. 

I truly didn’t think at my young child’s age that I would have to make a whole list of my headaches because it shouldn’t be that completed but it is because for some reason I am complicated.

Now when it comes to an uh oh I didn’t drink enough water. I have this horrible headache right when I wake up. I mean it is so bad I can’t even open my eyes. It’s the headache that makes you think about your past decisions. It’s a horrible pain that I wish no one on. But when these headaches started happening they happened three times in a row and by the third day, I didn’t even wanna go to sleep anymore because the god-awful headache was waiting for me. But lucky for me, I chugged a whole bunch of water that day and didn’t get a headache the next day. These headaches still happen but now when I don’t drink for the day my body tells me by night by giving me nausea. But with this headache besides healing with chugging water it can be healed with meds. 

Then you have the normal not-so-annoying headache and it’s just a headache. I take some meds in an hour poof it’s gone we all good again. 

Then we have the amazing caffeine headache. Now these headaches for me aren’t that bad. But they are annoying. They hurt but not enough to stop what I’m doing or want to knife my eyes. Sorry, that was overreacted anyways. But what’s annoying about this headache is taking meds because I will take a small dose of meds and it won’t go away after thirty minutes so I take a full dose and another hour passes by and the headache is still there. By now I can’t take any more medicine till four hours. That’s when I realize it was a caffeine headache and at that very time coke or the very gross diet coke becomes my best friend and within ten minutes of drinking the pop and any caffeine, my headache acts like it was no longer there. 

Then the sinus headaches. When the seasons change. The rain pours down and the pressure changes. My head hates it and sometimes it’s bad. Sometimes meds take way longer than they should to kick in or it’s a mix of water meds and caffeine because I still have no idea how to get rid of that headache and it doesn’t hurt to do all three. 

FOUR different headaches at 19 almost 20 years old. 

And each time I have a headache I can never guess which one it is and I have a life…. Of doing work and bingeing Dawson Creek or full house depends on the day. Maybe the universe hates me. Maybe my brain wants me to be in pain. I have no idea all I know is that headaches SUCK as I always say. Maybe I should start drinking more water and giving my eyes a break from all the damn work/ watching shows.

I just hope that one day ONE DAY this list gets small because if the list grows longer… I don’t know what I would do but so help me god. 

ALSO, I learned that people sleep headaches away? I can’t do that. I have a headache. I sleep and wake up with a headache that’s even worse. 

Hope you enjoyed the rant about headaches.