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Shy Girl Vibes

A shy girl with a blog

It’s that time again. 

Actually writing this is very late and probably should have written this back in October or something but here we are talking about seasonal depression because why not. We are currently in the middle of winter and it’s cold and wet and I just hate Canadian weather. I feel like I say that a lot in this blog.

The funny thing about seasonal depression is it kinda just hits. One day you motivated and working hard and just having a great day. However the next it’s moping around trying to figure out how to get all the tasks done because you are unmotivated and you feel like absolute crap. Then you ask yourself why do I feel this horrible for no reason at all and then you remember you haven’t seen the damn sun in weeks. 

A couple of weeks ago ish. The news talked about our city/ province gone without 22 days of sunny days. For twenty-two days it was gloomy and dark. They talked about this right after the clouds decided to clear and the sun was lighting up the sky. 

People then started talking about how they went from feeling like complete shit to feeling great for like two days. All because the sun decided to hide behind some day clouds our brain decided since it’s gloomy outside we will be gloomy on the inside. Somehow that sounded way better in my head but then typing I realized it just sounded stupid. 

Anyways. No sun for twenty-two days and the depression was running people over like a bus…. Then the sun made its appearance and all of a sudden we felt great. We wanted to get work done and we wanted to chase our dreams. It is mind-blowing to me how something can hide for 22 days and it can mess up the entire cycle of humans. Like its truly insane. Don’t get me wrong it makes sense but jeez. 

Now sadly I think my city has gone back to the gloomy days and the sun is deciding it wants a break from humanity which makes complete sense cause I mean look at us we are annoying and damn near killing his brother or sister or uncle I don’t really know. 

Seasonal depression is not fun and what I have learned is you kinda gotta keep telling yourself that it’s your brain’s fault and your not some person making yourself depressed actually it’s the sun’s fault but that’s a thing for another day. What I learned is you gotta make the best out of it. This year I decided to make a bullet journal. Some use it to keep track of stuff which I do but I am also using it to be creative and just have fun because nowadays I don’t have a doodle outlet, just a writing one that makes me want to pull my hair out. 

So after this confusing but made-sense of a blog here are the things I have learned because I always learn new things and might as well share them. 

Give yourself a damn break. Seriously, we work hard and we are always doubting ourselves and always stressed. Just give yourself a day, just breathe and watch something and have fun. 

Find something to do. Like learn french or start a bullet journal or read the bible because you never read it before and you kinda just wanna read it for fun. (The last part was definitely me). 

When the weather warms up a bit like not being -20 go for a short walk even to the mailbox. Walking actually helps so much. I mean this is coming from someone who loves walking I mean like I truly love walking I can walk anywhere as long as I can still feel my face and legs if I can’t well I’m turning around and going into the comfort of my own home which has heat. 

Before we know it. It will slowly warm up and the seasonal depression with leave and when it does you will feel great or at least better than you did and you look back at those past months and maybe say a couple of swear words before you send it off till next year where the whole cycle will start again.