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Shy Girl Vibes

A shy girl with a blog

Another two-minute story or just a little of a rant. We will see where this takes us. 

Global warming is something I feel like I have heard all my life. Seriously ever since I was a kid people and well the government talked about how the world was going to shit. Like I just arrived here five years ago ok and somehow I have to deal with it? I’m only five years old give me a couple of years at least. I’m pretty sure I couldn’t even tie my shoes yet I was stuck on the velcro and also I could not pronounce the word yellow for the longest time so in order for me to even try to understand global warming or do something about it well I need to learn how to say yellow grow all my adult teeth in and learn how to tie my shoes. Pretty sure I learned how to finally tie my shoes in the fifth grade. I was kinda behind. 

But as I got older the more they talked about it and the more they talked about how bad our earth will soon be. Getting into high school and social media becoming a thing is really when you hear it because well it’s social media and they talk about every damn thing. But I would say it wasn’t until mid-way through or near the end when they said HEYYYY you guys really need to start doing something because if we don’t our earth will go to crap and humanity will not survive that crap. Of course, they made it sound better. 

Now the thing about global warming is they often talk about how the ice caps are melting and how it’s warmer in all these places and how that’s a really bad thing because it shouldn’t be warmer in those places it should be cold and colder. So when they say global warming is happening you see it on the news but you don’t really see it around you… Right? 

Well, it’s 2022 and I live in Canada. Ummm Canada is a cold place. It’s snowy it’s wet it’s windy it’s all over the place for well my entire life. We do get summer but for like a couple of months and then it’s gone and we don’t see it for monthssss on end and there’s a point in winter where winter is cool because it’s pretty and it gives off the nice Christmas vibe but then Christmas ends and its march and the snow just keeps falling and your asking when will this stop I can no longer feel my arms or face it’s like a weekend. Like the artist weekend, not the actual weekend.

As I was saying usually around the end of October and early November is when the weather is just one type of weather and that is supposed to be cold weather. Like super cold maybe even minus something cold and for 19 years of my life, it was always freezing on Halloween. Like I had to wear my winter jacket and try to put my costume on top because I wanted people to see my costume. 

But right now it’s November and they still talk about global warming because again it’s a big issue but it wasn’t something my brain would take notice of in my city until a couple of days ago when it was 21 degrees celsius….. Pardon…. Do you mean to tell me it’s spring temperatures in almost winter…….. 

It’s like all of a sudden global warming was like hey we should do something in Canada. Now you’re asking why are you complaining about the nice weather.. You’re right it is nice weather but people have put up their Christmas decorations and Halloween is over. I shouldn’t be able to feel my face I should be wearing layers of clothing… I should be complaining about how cold it is. For this next week, we have two days that will be 17 degrees. 

It’s concerning because the weather shouldnt be like this even as much as I love it. It shouldn’t be like this and It’s kinda a slap on the face and an uh uh yup our world is really trying to get rid of us. 

Even the plants and nature itself are confused. If this warm weather keeps up these geese are gonna migrate back over to Canada thinking summers back again. 

At the end of this blog post, I still don’t know if I would call it a story or a rant.