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Shy Girl Vibes

A shy girl with a blog

“It’s nothing like the book”.

I always hear it and I bet everyone at one point in their life has also heard of that saying. It’s when the books are loved so much Hollywood makes that amazing book into a movie. Like harry potter, the lord of the rings and so on. So many books have gone to shows and movies and whenever they do that saying always comes up. 

People ranting on their socials and on their blogs. Complaining how bad the movie/show is. Or the question of whyyyyyyy. It’s always said and when I heard the saying I kinda just shrugged my shoulders because I wasn’t a person who read a book then watched the show/movie. 

As a kid, I did read. From the Diary Of The Wimpy Kid to books about dogs. The amount of books I have about animals is honestly sad and I have no idea where they are any more I kinda just lost them they kinda just walked away. As I got older I stopped reading and when I did read it was because I had to. I loved reading don’t get me wrong but the thought of sitting down and reading a paper full of words didn’t sound so good. 

High school came and I started going back to reading again. Especially those Christmas romance books. I loved those books so much I could easily finish one of those in three days if the book was that good. I got older and then I turned to murder mystery and horror. I read some of them and well kinda forgot. But all these books that I read didn’t have a show/movie to them. The mindset I had when it came to that was why bother reading the book when you can watch the show/movie. 

I know some readers reading this are wanting to punch me…. 

Overall I really liked reading although my mind when it came to focusing was really hard. I was read here and there but it wasn’t until a couple of months ago where I just wanted to read again. I also ran out of shows and all these fantasy books that I heard about sounded really really good. I even bought a book that was 800 words long. With a map and parts with chapters. It’s that big. 

I thought this picture looked cool

So I got back into reading since I now have so much time on my hands due to covid and I went to the bookstore and I asked someone to suggest me some great witch stories. I love stories about witches and how badass they are. They go boom bam and then they win the fight. 

So the manager recommended a book called A Discovery Of Witches. About a witch who finds a very powerful book that all not humans like demons and stuff want and then a vampire comes and flirts. That’s the basics of it sorta. But if you heard of it or if you haven’t. A Discovery Of Witches is also a show and I learned that the first season and the first book of the trilogy is available on one of the subscriptions that I already have. So once I read half of the book I started watching the series. 

Then I turned into that person. 

The person I never thought I would. 

“It literally nothing like the book”. 

The things that were in the book were not in the show. The small details that would have made the show better were not in it. Even the description of things like there’s once part in the book where she floods the room but in the show she makes it rain. TWO DIFFERENT THINGS. 

Don’t get me wrong the acting and the characters are amazing. The storyline in the show in a sense is better because it shows more povs than the book doesn’t but the show is missing so much detail and then adding things that weren’t even in the story.

The anger I have and me realizing what people meant by “It’s nothing like the book”. 

The book is still better anyways…. That’s a different sentence for a different time.

800 page book here I come