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Shy Girl Vibes

A shy girl with a blog

 In my current household I have a lot of pets. Some of my friends say I have a whole zoo which can be very true at times. I have two dogs, two guinea pigs and one leopard gecko. Which doesn’t seem like a lot until they’re all making noise well besides my gecko. She’s silent unless she sneezes. They always scare me, especially when I’m just peacefully chilling in my room. But my dogs and guinea pigs love to be vocal.

But what I have recently learned is that I’m not living in my world. I’m not running on my time or my schedule. You wanna know whose time and world and schedule I’m on? 

All five of my pets. Every single one of them, now you can say oh there just animals that’s not possible…. Oh it’s definitely possible. I love sleeping in but my youngest dog Sage loves waking me up at 5:20am right on the dot because she hears my parents waking up so she alerts me. After a while she does go back to sleep but she needs her ten minute scratches or she will throw a whole tantrum then goes to sleep then twenty minutes later my dad takes her from my room to go on a walk.

French Bulldog, Dog, Animal, Sleep

Not to mention Sage has a huge fear of flies. Huge fear! When she steps in my room and hears them she starts shaking panting and runs under my desk. Mind you I go to bed late so around one in the morning. But I have to spend 30 minutes trying to kill flies. You would think flies are dumb.. But they know if they go to my flashlight they will die so they stay on my roof while my dog hides in fear. Also Sage is very vocal; she loves talking even when she’s super tired. She will talk to you the whole time and for some reason she recently found her “Scary bark”.

Then we have Sarah, my oldest dog. She’s four years old. She’s a pretty chill dog. She sleeps a lot and she made her own space in our hallway closet. She hates attention including hugs. But she’s very stubborn. So after we eat we feed both dogs. Now Sage goes to her food bowl and eats all her food. You would think Sarah would do the same? Nope if she’s really comfy on the couch she will not get up and we have to bring her food to her but not just that if she is super super lazy she likes to be hand fed…

Sage on the left and Sarah on the right

Then we have my two guinea pigs Daisy and Poppy. They are always happy and always popcorning. They are always making noise and they will tell you when they want their veggies. So whenever they hear us they will run up and glare at us till we get them their veggies. I must admit though they do eat healthier than I do.

Last but not least we have my leopard gecko Indy now out of all my pets I would say she’s the easiest. Her Feeding schedule is every couple days and she barely makes any noise. Most say she sleeps and explores during the night when I’m asleep. But there are times where she gets very hyper. I call them the zoomies, she will walk back and forth. She will start to climb everything but the one thing that scares me half to death would be when she climbs up her door. I have an Exo Terra tank so the doors open from the front and she has now learned how to grab onto a ledge and pull herself up to the door.

What do I do each time she does it? I have to stop what i’m doing and go get her and take her out of the tank and let her explore a little bit. Sometimes she does it at 2 in the morning. So I have to get up, pick her up carefully and place her on the other side of the tank. Not to mention she loves sleeping so trying to feed her before I go to bed can be pretty hard.

But I love all my pets. They mean so much to me and my life would be boring without them. But damn I feel like their servant most of the time. But I guess they show me love by the end of the day.