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Shy Girl Vibes

A shy girl with a blog

Since I was young I loved writing stories all the time. Sometimes I would put my friends into them, sometimes I would put my family in them and it would be a funny storyline but coming from a child it was probably very messy. As I grew up I stopped but then in middle school I heard about wattpad and by now I think everyone knows what wattpad is.

If you don’t know what a wattpad is, it’s an app where you can write your own story and publish it to the public for others to see. Maybe even get somes votes and comments and followers or you can be the reader or vote and comment on books. It’s an amazing place for writers and readers who like to have a little time to themselves.

So in middle school I heard about it and downloaded it and I started reading some books then I wrote a book but never published. I don’t even know the account for it anymore but I do know the story was crappy and very messy with barely any storyline. So coming to grade nine I still had a wattpad and was still reading lots of books until I decided hey! I’m gonna write a book so I did its called Delicate it’s about a girl who gets bullied and then the bully and her fall in love. It’s a corny romance and half way through I stopped editing it cause it wasn’t getting any views.

Moving along I just finished grade ten and it was now summer break which meant I had two months off and I was in a bad state due to friends and drama. So one day I was thinking I wanna write on wattpad again but what do I write? Then I thought about what if I write fanfics or rapper imagine as it’s called on wattpad. So I did and I made an awful book cover and my first chapter was a question mark seeing what rappers people wanted. Not even an hour later I already had a hundred views and it took me a year to get a hundred views on Delicate.

So I began writing every single day. I was getting votes and comments, people were following me. It was insane I never had that before I was excited. Then I was thanking my readers for 10k views then 50k views than 100k views. But then things started slowly down I was running out of ideas and some days I had no inspo to write. But somehow even though I had a rough patch I kept writing. 

Writing that book took me around two years to write. I had 200 chapters in that book. That’s a lot of chapters but finally this year I decided the 200th chapter would be my last for fan fiction writing. It was hard for me to let go cause so many people loved and enjoyed the book they even made me re think about ending the book. But I had to tell myself no I shouldn’t write another book well maybe not for right now.. So after a couple months I went back to the story to see how my views were doing since they were growing each week even after ending the book.

I went from having zero views to having 700k in two years. That’s insane to me. I thought the book would get some views but not alot but man I was wrong and I know one day I will go on the app to see how the views are and It will say 1 million. But don’t get me wrong wattpad measures all the views from all the chapters and there’s 200 but my first chapter on that book the question mark one by itself it has 46k views.

The craziest thing about that story was from middle school all the way to grade 10 I wanted to become a photographer it was my dream. But even since that story I realized that all this time I really loved writing and I wanted that to be my future. It’s crazy how one thought of me starting a book could change everything. But here I am two years later with a crappy novel and writing a blog hoping one day I’ll be something bigger.

I guess writing as a kid showed I loved to make stories. I guess I never really thought about it. But going back and thinking about it I realized I always wanted to write stories.