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Shy Girl Vibes

A shy girl with a blog

Nanowrimo is finally done.. 

Well NaNoWriMo actually finished November 30th and its now December 12th but I have hated the doing of actually writing these past weeks but here I am to talk about the god ole NaNoWriMo

If you read my previous blog posts you would know that I was finally partaking in the NaNoWriMo and I was taking it seriously. On another blog post I also mentioned that the second week of NaNoWriMo and my laptop keyboard broke and it was a hell of a mess. 

For the first time in my life I was the smart one to actually plan ahead. When it comes to writing I am both a plotter and a pantser. If you don’t know what those are beside the meaning kinda being in the word, a pantser if when you just write with not a single plan in mind you just see where it goes and for plotter when you plan the entire thing out. But the thing with me and being a pantser is that it takes me wayy longer to actually get words and a story on to paper or well on to a google doc so when it comes to the project for NaNoWriMo I decided that I needed to plan out chapter by chapter. The outline wasn’t suppose detailed just the basics what needed to happen and my god did it help. 

The first week of NaNoWriMo was practically everywhere. The first day I was going crazy with writing and writing over the daily goal. But then the second day I was like “I really hate writing why did I choose this life” That was basically the entire of the first week going back and fourth. 

The second week was a little bit harder and all of a sudden I would just stare at the page and think to myself how the hell do I start this chapter. It was a point in the second week where I really hated the word I said he said I did. The word said was now my biggest enemy and for some reason everyone kept laughing? I mean don’t get me wrong my characters are funny but so much laughing. 

The third week I fell very behind. As much as I had my good days with writing it wasn’t enough to actually give me days off. That’s one of the biggest advice in NaNoWriMo and that is to write more the first week just so you can have those breaks in the month so you don’t burn out. Unfortunately I tried following that advice but it didn’t work out and I was writing every single day almost but I did fall behind with not feeling well a couple days and all of a sudden it was stressful. I must admit the third week felt the hardest but it is near the end. I just wanted this challenge to end. I just wanted to finish writing. I was exhausted. I really hated writing. 

Finally the fourth week came around and I finished writing on November 27th. By the time November 30th came around I was 53k words and my book came to a total of 70k words. I wrote 50k words in a month……


To some that may not seem a lot but to others including myself. HOLY. 

So my honest opinion on NaNoWriMo. Its exhausting. You will hate writing and most of all you will doubt yourself the entire time. If you’re not smart like me you will write more words so you can give yourself a break but if you like me then you will have to write every day trying to catch up because you fell behind. 

The best part of NaNoWriMo is that you’re not alone as cheesy and normal saying that is. Millions of writers around the world are also partaking in this challenge, ripping out their hair and trying their best to finish the challenge. 

As much as it can be exhausting and wanting to rip your eyes out of your head? If that makes sense. In the end you have a finished draft which is better then no draft. This draft was my third draft of the book and my god did it form the book so much better then the second and the first. This challenge also pushes you and now when you doubt yourself and tell yourself you cant do it you remind yourself you wrote 50k words in a month or 20k words whatever your goal was. 

Would I do this challenge again?

Yes yes I would 

Give me a year to prepare….