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Shy Girl Vibes

A shy girl with a blog

Marketing.. The fun word. 

As a writer when wanting to publish a book that’s the biggest thing you will hear when you do Google searches and watch videos it’s all about marketing and how fun it can be and how tiring and how awful and how you question why you are even doing this. 

At one point or another this past two years I have told myself that I would self-publish a book. Now has that happened yet? No, not yet but one day just not today. 

But as I researched what I needed to do and all the things that come with self-publishing. It’s a lot of stuff that you have to do… Obviously, because it’s in the title “Self” Publishing. Now when they talk about self-publishing they talk about all the social media you need to be on. They tell you what you have to post and what you should do to gain some people to read your book some blogs say even before the book is out you have to grow some sort of audience. Now no matter what Social media was always in the mindset when it came to marketing even years ago when it wasn’t as big but it was all about marketing yourself and the book. 

A few months ago I was on Twitter as one does when there bored out of their mind and I came across a girl talking about self-publishing her book and having to you know “market” The word I have said at least a dozen times in this post already. But she said she hated that you had to be some sort of influencer to market your book. You have to be this whole big thing and it sucks because we don’t want to be an influencer we want to be a writer. But nowadays that’s what comes with social media and well with marketing.

However, I hate it. That’s the only point of my wanting to be a writer or even a director because we are behind the camera well most of the time. I love writing and hope to self-publish one day because it sounds amazing but the daunting fact of having to be this influencer to market the book sounds exhausting. 

These past three years I have been on social media as work trying to grow accounts, Sometimes starting over and over again and taking these long breaks to think how I can change things and every time I just come out exhausted I came out hating social media. Like I said I also hate being in front of the camera so it was harder to post stuff and do things all while not being in the frame also I don’t have this superstar life where I eat healthy and have cute things I sit on a couch for hours writing looking like a slob the best shot you will get from me is on the porch reading a book but again Im the person taking the photo of the book. God don’t get me started on having to take a picture of a book on a windy day…. 

Social media is changing how we view things and how marketing is evolving I just hate the fact that in order to market your book and you have to be some influencer and that itself sounds fucking horrible.