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Shy Girl Vibes

A shy girl with a blog

Happy Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving

Growing up I loved thanksgiving. It was the time where I saw family. I got my favorite food and I had a day off from school. Thanksgiving was just one of those days where you could eat whatever and just waste the day relaxing and taking a whole lot of naps. 

But as I got older I was like eh thanksgiving but I still loved getting stuffing and eating turkey. But I do think my thanksgiving was different from other families then mine. 

So moms’ family live all the way in wales. So we never had thanksgiving with them. But my dad’s family only lives an hour away from us so we would spend thanksgiving there. So from the time I was young to middle school. Me my parents and his family would meet up at our grandma’s house since she lived alone and we would do thanksgiving there and also christmas. 

It was a small house but very busy because it was a big family. But unfortunately my grandma passed in grade eight and we sold her house so we no longer had a place to go for thanksgiving besides our own house. 

Now this is where it gets better. So on thanksgiving day we would have our own turkey dinner and celebrate thanksgiving but then the next day we would go up to my uncles and aunt and we would have another thanksgiving. So instead of having one we had two which meant more turkey and way more stuffing and well more pie. 

It’s the best having two thanksgiving because if you dont eat alot of turkey the one day you’re bound to get more turkey the next day so you are not missing out on anything. 

The only thanksgiving that I truly hated was last year. A week or two before Thanksgiving I had dental surgery and I got a tooth pulled and then a week later after my surgery I got dry socket. If you don’t know what dry socket is, it’s when the socket of the tooth no longer is forming a blood clot to heal the wound and its dry and gross and makes your breath and mouth smell and tastes gross. 

So I had that during thanksgiving and I wasn’t allowed to eat on that side of my mouth and it was hard for me to try and enjoy the food and of course my mouth would ache when it was cold so half of the time I was also in pain. Although my parents did promise we would have another thanksgiving that year but well we didn’t. 

But now this year we only have one thanksgiving due to covid. I haven’t seen my dad’s side of the family in ten months. It kinda sucks. I wish I could go chill with them and have a good time because soon I will be getting a job and I will be more busy then I am right now. 

I guess with covid around everyone has to make the best out of thanksgiving. It seems so very different from last year. It feels really strange. It doesn’t even feel like thanksgiving but then again I have been home for 7 months and I didnt even know it was thanksgiving till a couple days ago. 

I’m going to say this I don’t know if anyone else does it or If I just do it. But on thanksgiving I don’t eat all day. I eat a small breakfast really early and like one snack during the day but that’s it because I be waiting for turkey all year and I ain’t about to be full when it gets served. 

So I am currently chilling in my room writing this blog and I am so very hungry. I just wanna eat. I just want turkey and some pie that’s all I want.

But I know if I eat a small snack or meal my stomach isn’t gonna want a lot of thanksgiving dinner. So I rather be starving then be full if that makes sense. 

But in all reality thanksgiving is a time to hang with your family and have good time. Even if you’re depressed and wanna stay in bed like me. Thanksgiving gives you that day to get up, eat some or a lot of food and be ok with yourself.

Till the next day when you’re all full and bloated and are in a food coma.