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Shy Girl Vibes

A shy girl with a blog

Writer’s block is one of the most annoying things when it comes to writing. You can ask any writer and they will agree. I started writing more in grade ten and from then I have never stopped. I have written short stories. I wrote a novel, I wrote other stories that I never finished> I have written a lot. Which means that I got writer’s block more times then I can count. I always tried to look on the web to see what could help me and some did, some didn’t. So here are my tips for writers block and what I did when I wanted to give up.

  1. Music 

If you are to search up how to get rid of writer’s block. Music would be on that list. At first I didn’t do it. I thought it wont work for me. I thought, what’s the point of music? I’m not gonna do that. But I was half way through my novel and I had a deadline so I thought hmm how about I make a playlist of songs I would like to listen to… So I did.

Let me tell you.. It helped me so much. I guess maybe because I blocked out the noise from my house or my annoying dogs that love to randomly bark. Music put me in my own world and it help me with reaching my deadline for the novel.

Here is my writing playlist :

Notes, Melody, Sound, Whistling, Bar
  1. Jot down the storyline 

When I first started writing I didn’t have to jot down the storyline because it was all in my head I knew how I wanted the ending. So for a year I was good. I didn’t have to jot down anything.

But then writers block hit and I needed to get my short stories up and running for my readers. So for ten to twenty minutes I would think what I wanted the storyline to be. Then I would write what’s gonna take place. Sometimes my jot notes were detailed from when a person would walk into a room or leave the room or if someone said something.

I know some writers who just write and don’t plan at all I wish that would work for me but I guess writing so many short stories they all seem to sound the same at the end. But jotting down the plots really helped me especially when my writers block was really bad.

Computer, Laptop, Notebook, Pen, Table
  1. Take a break 

Sometimes taking a break will help. Whether it’s a two week break a day break a month break. Sometimes your brain just needs a break to reload and figure out things. Once you have a little break go back. It has helped me so much especially when I was writing the short stories.

  1. Just write 

Writer’s block sucks and sometimes your brain just doesn’t want to work with you. So sometimes you just have to start writing and see where it takes you. Its like starting a car in the winter sometimes that car just doesn’t wanna start so you gotta turn it off and on until it gets going that’s like writing once you getting writing all the ideas will flow.

Writing is hard and writers block makes it 10x worse but if all those tips fail you I have one more thing. 

So I was reading a couple books about writing and I read a book by Ally Carter and the book was called Dear Ally: How do you write a book and she was talking about writing and writers block and I will never forget what she said this is not word for word its coming out of memory.

“Writing a book is like going on a plane and traveling a long distance, the day before your excited you’re making sure you have everything packed and during the night you just cant sleep cause your excited thats like writing a book at first your happy your ready to write and see where it takes you, your arrive at the airport you get on the plane and the flight is twelve hours long but your ok same with writing you just going at it but then its six hours into the flight you bored you can’t sleep and you just want to get off the plane, that’s like writing your in the middle of your book and your just tired of writing and just want to get it over with, but then you make it to your destination and your as happy as you can be that’s what finishing a book feels like”.

So if you ever wanna give up or the writers block just gets in the way just remember that you’re halfway to your destination.

Writing is not always gonna be fun but if you use some of those tips there may be a chance of blocking writers block.

Garbage, Trash, Litter, Recycling