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Shy Girl Vibes

A shy girl with a blog

Job searching… 

Oh no.. 

A year or two ago I talked about about job searching and how boring it is and I still stand to that comment because job searching is just so boring, Now at the time of that blog post I was just looking because a year ish or even two years ago covid was well bad. Now people were no longer hoarding things however everyone was catching it and there were all these rules so finding a job back then well wasn’t as important however now covid is kinda done and I have to seriously look for a job. 

I have been home now on and off for three years. No life well the life of writing and trying to grow socials media but that’s it which some can say oh that sounds fun but as someone who brain often hates them being home for that long is just pure annoying and tiring. 

So starting November I decided that it was finally time to start Job searching and to finally well get a job. I thought it would be the perfect time because it was a month before Christmas and my mind thought well holiday season is always busy so heck yeah getting a job will be easy…. 

Now on my resume right now I only have two things. One being Fiverr which I worked as freelance writer for two years of my life and well I would call that job because it paid and I worked and then I have a book fair volunteer job which only lasted a month. If you look at that well it’s not a lot like at all and I knew going into job searching that I wanted to work retail. I didn’t want anything serious for my first good job just something that wasn’t writing and that I could talk to people and not be home all the time. 

I thought it would be easy. There are so much retail jobs out there and it seems they are always hiring. Back in high school there were always signs and it was always talked about. It is now January and I have applied for like 50 stores including receptionist jobs, assistant jobs and all the jobs you can name that are part time and full time.


No call backs 

Literally nothing. 

All of a sudden the woo I’m gonna get a job in no time turned into I really just want any job at this point. In order to get a jobs you need experience but how am I supposed to get experience when you won’t hire me. All of a sudden the happy feely went to depressing and sad. 

Somehow everyone can be hiring and somehow that group is so very small and everyone needs a job so everyone is applying for jobs. 

The worst part is that I’m at the age now where I am twenty with no job and chilling at the house all day everyday you know those movies that made fun of those people that didn’t do shit all day yeah I was looking like one of those. 

Job searching sucks. Its depression, Its annoying and most of all its frustrating. 

I always talk about how stupid we were to want to be older but now I just wanna slap 16 year old self for wanting to be twenty. 16 year old me didn’t need a job 16 year old me only goal was to go to all my classes that I had to legally go to. 

So after months of job searching and well still job searching I have learned that being an adult sucks and that I need sleep and lots of it.