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Shy Girl Vibes

A shy girl with a blog

The quote or the saying goes around that one day your start high school and in a blink of an eye your graduating with all your friends. 

I remember back in grade ten I would go on Pinterest and read quotes. Quotes from depression all the way to graduation and I remember when I would read the graduation quotes and think to myself “Man I can’t wait for this day I can’t wait until I’m some grown-up”. 

From the time we were in grade nine till halfway through grade twelve we wanted to rush the days we wanted to speed things up and just get out. Now with the time I had in high school, it was a mess. I had toxic friends toxic groups and overall a horrible time so of course, I just wanted to get out of school for good. 

But as of now, I graduated high school a year and a half ago.

Instead of grade nine being only four years back, it’s five years back.  

All the times I spent with friends and time with even myself were no longer present they were now memories that my brain stored somewhere. You see the one thing I have learned and you probably already know this but all these memories I now have at the time I didn’t even think I was making any. I didn’t even think they were that important to be memories. But now they are so very important. 

I think one of the memories that I have and even cherish is when the school bell rang and it was time to go home. Everyone would head out of class and head to their bus or start walking. Now with so many students came a whole lot of buses and since we live in Canada means cold weather which means buses would be delayed. 

I remember my friends/ group would head out of class once the bell rang and we would meet up on this concrete island or whatever it’s called. We would all chat and complain about how cold it was while we waited for our bus or before we would go scout for our bus. We should shiver or we should sweat to death but we still made a little time to talk to each other and say goodbye and we did that for four years and even the last day before March break or whatever you Americans have. 

Although that doesn’t seem like something important or special. When I’m outside in that cold or that heat it now reminds me of those times and in some way it makes me miss high school some of it at least. 

Then I have my Snapchat memories. Now can I admit that 95% of people in those memories are no longer in my life? Yes, they are all ex or ex-friends which means I never go through my memories because what’s the point?. 

However, there are sometimes where I’m bored and I end up scrolling through them. I go from 2021 to 2018/2019 and so on. I watch the videos and look at the photos and see how happy were and how much fun we were having but I also see the fake smiles and the hard times. I captured everything from friendship breaks to relationship ends. I never posted them I just kinda kept them to myself. 

Besides the bad times, I look at all the good times and the times we were just having fun and not giving a, pardon my language without giving a shit. We didn’t care what people thought or how stupid we were acting we were just doing our own thing. All that just makes me miss high school and makes me sometimes want to go back just once more. The memories ache or give me goosebumps. 

As to why we rushed such a wonderful thing is beyond me. Why we wanted to grow up so quickly I have no idea. The very last memory I had of high school is walking up to the front door with my best friend at the time and we grabbed our diplomas and a little gift bag. Since being a 2020 graduate our graduation was cancelled so the gift bag was the best our school could do. I got a free blanket out of it which was cool. 

So after graduating the Pinterest quotes can never hold up to the real thing and how much you will sometimes miss or it hate it. Depends on the day.

“So I guess it ends here. We’ll go our separate ways and hope that we’ll see each other somewhere in the future” A graduation quote from Pinterest.

One thought on “The High School Memories

  1. Life goes on and so shall you…you meet people like waiters in your life…they come and go and you move on…you have to… memories are made to relive reuse and rely on…keep moving foward

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