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Shy Girl Vibes

A shy girl with a blog

In grade nine I was just an immature girl who was still exploring life. No idea what I wanted to be, no idea what my future was, no idea how I was gonna turn out. I was just living life and not worrying about the real world.

But as I got older I just wanted to graduate and go into the real world. I have now graduated and I can look back at high school and think why didn’t they teach us more? Why did they just push us into the real world with nothing just some stupid math we don’t need.

Since I’m stuck at home it got me thinking about school and me getting a job and all the adult stuff I’m still learning about in a PG way. Thinking about school makes me wonder why they don’t have more classes when it comes to the real world.

A couple of weeks ago I was doing some stuff with my debit card and I needed to put my info down so that I could get paid for my writing. So I started typing everything down but then these words that I never heard about before were there and I was like HUH? I had to go to google to figure out all the words and realized ok that’s easy how come I don’t know that.

Then I was on tik tok and there’s this mom and someone asked in her comments how to write a cheque and how do you sort out money. At first, I was like how do you not know any of that. But then I was like hold up I don’t even know how to do that. I am 18 and I’m still living with my parents but I know one day I wanna move out but then I think there is so much adult stuff I still need to learn.

Don’t get me wrong you learn every day you learn as you go but it scares me that high school doesn’t help you out with the real world stuff. There just like “Here you go here’s your diploma go to college out of our hands now”. I see everyone saying how they learn more from YouTube or tik tok and it’s true. Like the things I learned about being an adult I never learned in high school and I would have never known that stuff.

Schools should have a mandatory class in grade 12 where it teaches teens about renting, saving money, credit cards, and all the adult things that I am still learning about. Don’t get me wrong you can just watch youtube or tik tok but it just shows that the school system is horrible and is a slap in the face.

Unfortunately, there is so much I need to learn that high school could have helped me with. Now you can say what about your parents why couldn’t they teach you this stuff. Well, they thought maybe the school would teach me but man they were wrong I don’t know anything I don’t even know how to write cursive. Like I really can’t even write my signature.

Blackboard, Writing, Chalk, White

I think the school system needs to change its ways of learning. They don’t realize that the world itself is changing and new things are happening. One day Google may not be able to help. I think that’s one of the reasons teens and even myself still love spending money because we don’t know how to use it in a way.

School boards need to add more things to learning and add a class where students can learn about how to do things in the real world.

I hope they add more I hope they teach students what they will need when they graduate. I hope that students will learn more than I did. If they don’t start soon, most of us won’t know or understand the real world and the important things that we need.

But I guess for now I will stick to watching tik toks and let tik tok mom teach me about money and other stuff that I don’t know about. As an adult who is very brand new to everything, I have no idea what I am doing I am so very lost in this world and I’m so very broke.

One thought on “The School Course I Wish Was Real

  1. As time goes on you will learn….when move away from home, I had no idea what to do. I was lucky I got a nice cheap basement place… I go t a land line…cable tv came a couple months later…had to learn to budget. It will come to u as time goes on..but you are right they should teach more about real life bills.

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