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Shy Girl Vibes

A shy girl with a blog

I haven’t done a short life story in a while so why not.. 

So I am an only child. My mom’s family is all the way in wales and my dad’s side of the family is about an hour away from us. They had their fair share of babysitters taking care of me but most of the time when they wanted to go out and shop or watch a movie in the theatres.  I was dragged to a lot of Marvel films and had to watch whatever Marvel, Star Trek and or Star Wars film that was on tv. Before the whole Netflix and streaming services stuff. 

Now as a kid I didn’t really understand a lot like I didn’t understand how this short white dude turned into a tall green dude with really bad anger problems or why this dude was on fire and was laughing. It didn’t really make sense and star wars or star trek I don’t think I ever understood that movie/ show but my dad loves it as he grew up on it and is well a huge fan along with marvel since he always read the comics and stuff so when movies and shows are made well you go and watch them. 

As I got older I hated them and I mean I hated them and I rather do anything else than watch those types of movies. I was never that person that was a huge fan of just one company/ obsessed like if a Disney movie came out and I thought it was cool I would go watch it but never was someone when a company put out a movie I had to watch it even though I may not like it. 

As high school came around my friend groups changed and they all liked Marvel and DC and they would talk about it and it was a point where I was older and understood the movies so when they came out I would go and see them but the hate went to an eh ok these are kinda good and progressed into ok these are actually really good. 

But when it came to Star Wars and Star Trek it was a hard no for me and I would tell people I would never watch it. Then the universe gave me two people my best friend and my closest friend who are highly obsessed with Star Wars and I mean obsessed and they would talk about it all the time and I mean all the damn time so finally around the time I was watching Obi Wan I was very confused and I knew that in order to watch and understand I would have to watch Star Wars… So I did I watched 1- 6 in order some people watch it 4 5 6 then 123. 

As I watched star wars it kept getting better and my mindset was changing on how I liked it. Then I decided to watch the 6th one on the second day of my period……… I don’t think I have ever sobbed so hard to a movie before. EVER. Like I hate dog movies because they are always so sad but I truly don’t think I was ever that sad to a movie before. It took me a good day to recover and then I soon relaized I loved star wars and was so mad that I didn’t watch it earlier. 

 After Star Wars I relaized that maybe I should give Star Trek a chance since my dad loves it and I could see what it’s like and I thought maybe it only had a couple of movies… 13 movies.. Thirteen….. 

I now have an unhealthy obsession with Star Ws and will be watching everything I thought I hated to see if they are actually really good.