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Shy Girl Vibes

A shy girl with a blog

Here is a two-minute story. It will probably be a mess of a story but hope you enjoy it. It’s kind of funny. Kinda. 

So as everyone or well a lot of people love watching tv shows and movies. Ever since I was a kid I loved watching shows. Some of them looking back were kinda weird and some I really miss watching and some I’ve watched but my attention span is horrible and well I turn it off a minute later. Same with movies I watch the ones when I was a kid and it takes me dayssss to finish. I love tv and movie so much that I even want to direct and screenwrite my own things. 

But anyways to the story. 

So I have been home on and off every day for the past two years because of covid. Now being at home and being an only child with friends you can’t even see kinda gets boring and so I would stick to all my streaming services and watch all these different things. So now after two years, I have watched so much that now when I look for tv shows and movies I really really have to look to find one. 

So the other day I was having a really great day and I was like you know what I want to watch a comedy. Nothing sad or nothing too dramatic just a funny movie that will make my day and make me feel better even though I was already feeling good. So I scrolled and I found Steel Magnolias. 

Now when it comes to this movie I would always skip it since I wasn’t in the mood to watch that type of movie but that day I said I’ll give it a try why not and it had some of my favourite actors in the movie so the movie was already starting out really good. I do want to say that on Netflix Steel Magnolias is labelled as a Classic movie and a comedy with a little bit of drama. 

So I’m watching the movie and it was a great movie and I generally liked the storyline and the characters. Throughout the movie, I was laughing and thinking I should have watched this movie sooner because of how good it is. I was honestly really happy with how this movie turned out. 

Then I watch more and well more getting closer to the end. 

Then the main character DIES 

Well one of the main characters BUT STILL 

She dies. 

All of a sudden this so-called comedy movie and the feel-good movie has now turned into an I feel like crap and now I’m crying because this is just sad. 

I was having a great day and Netflix told me it was a nice comedy to make my day even better. 

So by the end, I was not only disappointed I was heartbroken and sad and no longer happy. 

Now I have trust issues and Netflix is to thank for that.