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Shy Girl Vibes

A shy girl with a blog

Here’s a weird but funny story that happened recently and I thought why not I share it? 

So I have lived in my house for 20 years. Which is a really long time and also means that I have been here for my entire life and you know after twenty years it’s not really a brand new house I mean from the outside it looks new-ish but then you walk down the stairs at 2 in the morning during winter and there’s not so quiet steps its all creek and crack and “Will you shut up” a couple hundred times. 

The one thing with my neighbourhood is we all get mice. It kinda just happens and you kinda just have to get rid of them or your dog will catch one randomly and then bring it to you and when you mid sleeping and it will scare the literal shit out of you. 

So your wondering where the hell are you going with this. Im going somewhere give me a second. 

So besides mice, I have another little thing when it comes to my room and that is leopard geckos which are not the problem. However, leopard geckos’ food are live now lucky for me it’s not things with fur that squeak but small things like crickets and meal worms and the occasional hornworm that turns into a beautiful month that you should kill because they are bad for the environment 

Now as I was saying I own living food and unfortunately sometimes one or two get out. One night I was sleeping in bed or well trying to sleep and I looked up at my wall just around where the roof and wall meet and a cricket was just chilling there. Now it was two in the morning so I couldn’t wake anyone up but what I do recall is I grabbed a shirt and threw it at said cricket and when I saw where it landed I proceeded to hit it with some sort of cardboard till I was satisfied that it was dead. (doesn’t sound that bad).

So now getting to the story. 

One day like a week ago I was on a call with my friend and we were just chatting and having a good time when I started hearing these chewing sounds. So I look over at my geckos and they are both fast asleep. I mute the call with my friend and any background noises that I had on my laptop and I still heard this chewing sound and I thought ok weird maybe it’s something outside or whatever then I look over and hear that it was coming from my laundry basket and I swear I SWEAR TO EVERYTHING I thought I saw that damn thing move. 

I stood still thinking holy crap there is definitely a mouse in my laundry basket at this very moment. I joined back on the call with my friend whispering about said mouse and he was just laughing on the other end and I was slowly trying not to die. I didn’t know if I should kick it look at it or call someone to do those things. Finally, I went to my mom and said because my dad was sleeping. “Oh a scale of waking up dad because there is something in my room” And she asked “What is it” And I replied to which, “I think it may have fur” then she told me to go get my dad who I’m pretty sure at this point heard a little bit of what was going on. So I walked back to my room to make sure that whatever was in my laundry bin and was making so loud noise was still there and making loud noise and it was so I went to my parent’s room and woke up my dad who was tiredly coming to my room to see what was in my laundry basket. 

He proceeded to dump my laundry basket out and go see what was making all this hassle while I was outside the room with my head peeping and he said he could find nothing of the such furry animal until I looked down at the ground and saw a beetle….. You know the thing that I feed my leopard geckos yeah they go from mealworm to beetle something you could squish with your finger or foot or nail. That small itty bitty thing had this whole house in a fuss or well me at least. It was like that saying it’s a bird no it’s a plane no it’s superman. But instead, it was its mouse it’s a rat no its a beetle. 

As to how I thought I saw something and as to how a stupid small ass beetle got the best of my nerves and how loud that damn thing was is beyond me and sometimes I just think how stupid I truly am.