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Shy Girl Vibes

A shy girl with a blog

When watching tv or movies that had high school in it it was either an amazing high school not a lot of drama and people had their own groups or it was a horrible school with lots of fights and drama “The popular girl group” “The jocks” ‘The guys that played with girls feelings”. Don’t get me wrong high school is like that in a way. But movies and TV always made it look bolder than it really was.

Highschool is a very weird place because there are so many different kinds of people. In middle school I barely had any friends. But when I got to high school I got all these friends and a big group. It was a huge change for me and I loved it because people knew who I was and they didn’t hate me or spread rumors about me. But I didn’t know what high school was gonna look like in my head. I thought it would be like the movies or shows.. I was wrong.

It was the opposite of what I thought it was gonna be like. But i’m glad it’s not like the movies or shows that stuff just looks tiring and having to deal with the “Popular girls” would just be annoying on a Monday morning. But I have now graduated highschool and I can say that I have learned a few things.

  1. Do your work 

Now that may sound easy to do. But sometimes its really not easy at all. Especially when you have friends in your class or people keep texting you. I would rather talk to my friends and text people then do work. But what I learned was that being on my phone is gonna do nothing for me. Some may disagree but your phone is not always gonna be with you especially when you get a job. Plus if you get all your stuff done then you got whatever time left to be on your phone.

I remember I would always do all my work for my classes and I would finish before anyone else. I loved it cause I could just do my own thing without teachers nagging me. Ps when you and your friend do your work together it’s way easier and faster. I had my best friend in all three of my classes in the last semester and we had a spare together so getting our work and projects done was pretty easy. 

Student, Laptop, Cup, Online Education
  1. Get yourself out of the drama

Unfortunately my group came with a lot of drama and let me tell you drama is annoying and tiring. Some may see it as fun but it’s really not. It ends with a lot of tears, depression, anger and loss friendships. Although you may wanna see what’s gonna happen just stay back because some drama can last weeks and that is just pure annoyance .

Wrong Messages, News, False, Media, Hoax
  1. Small group of friends 

This connects to the second point. Unfortunately the bigger the group the more drama that comes. Like I said at the beginning I had a big group of friends and I never had that before so I didnt know what was gonna happen. So I learned the hard way. Lots of drama happened in those four years. It was horrible. I would blame some of my depression on all of that drama.

Having a small group of friends is way easier why? Because no false things can go around well it’s not likely to. So if someone says something but it’s the wrong info they come and ask you instead of going to the whole group and telling them.

Also having a small group is just relaxing and you can trust them and you know they are not talking dirt behind your back. I rather have a group of three then a group of ten or fifthteen. Nowadays it doesn’t matter who big your group is. It just matters if you’re loyal and are good to your group.

Watercolour, Watercolor, Painting, Art

Those are the three main things I learned in highschool. Looking back I wish someone told me that before I walked into school it would have been so much easier and maybe just maybe I would have loved highschool. 

Do your work, try to stay out of drama and be friends with loyal people even though it’s only three tips they will help a lot. Highschool I was a place where you learn but the tips may just help you out.