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Shy Girl Vibes

A shy girl with a blog

Oh dear… 

Growing up the year went by so slow. By slow I mean half way through the year our class would celebrate when we reached the 100th day of the year. Its crazy how things can go by so slow and then slowly pick up its pace and things are moving so very quickly. 

Like its 2023 and I graduated from school three years ago well in June it will be three years. That is the same length of time of high school almost. It is truly insane. 

Now the thing about these past three years and especially this year or well 2022 was Covid. Covid took a lot from us. Time to spend with family and friends. Time to just well live life and just 2 years of our life kinda just gone and now we have to slowly make our way back to some sort of normal the three years was just like the Thanos snap just *snap* boom its 2023. 

Every year we have goals for ourselves. To lose weight, to get healthy, to well whatever it may be. By the end of the year we look back and we think holy shit we didn’t do a damn thing. This year’s trend on social media was to post photos or clips from videos that happened around the year and I said you know what I haven’t posted on my private for a while so I spend a good hour or less scrolling through all the albums looking for videos and pictures that would sum up my 2022. Near the end I only had four videos two with my friends, one video of an achievement I never thought I would get a video of my leopard gecko I adopted. 

Others people summing up their 2022 was filled with them going places. Them partying and having the time of their lives and here I was all my videos was shot within 200 feet of my house. But was a great frinking year. Its funny how in some peoples eyes the way my year was would sound boring and sound well boring and these other peoples lives sound amazing and fun and don’t get me wrong they do look fun and amazing and living life is frinking great but being home and just having that quiet year was a great one. 

We all expect to live life and each year have all these goals and all these plans and like I once said in a dozen of my blog posts. If the one thing that Covid has taught us is that no matter how much you plan and how many goals you have life changes and nothing ever stays on course. However each year we are better then the last. 

So to 2023 may we just figure out life and fake it till we make it.