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Shy Girl Vibes

A shy girl with a blog

“You sound just like your mom” Every time I answer the phone. 

Well, not every time. 

So I don’t know when this started happening. Maybe when I hit puberty or maybe when I started answering the phone more often. Although they both started happening at the same time so I don’t really know. 

When I answer the phone. I have to state at the start of the call that I’m Carly my mom’s daughter and not my mom. Well not to duck cleaning or scam calls but my family both my mom and dads and my mom’s work because nowadays covid is ruining the world and my mom has to work at home more than at work. 

And every time I talk to them they always say “You sound just like your mom wow” Literally. There has never been a time after 16 where they haven’t told me that. Doesn’t bother me it just makes me question how the hell do I sound like my mom. It is still a question I have but no answer. 

Now the thing is my mom wasn’t born here and by here I mean she wasn’t born in Canada and she was born in wales and then moved here as a kid and then went back and then came back and so did her family and then well they went back and never came back and I haven’t seen any of my moms family in sixteen years ish. So with that they call monthly and catch up and since the year is ending they call just to see how we are doing but since Christmas is so busy and happen to miss a couple calls and I finally answered the call yesterday and I stated at the start of the call “hey its carly”. 

So from there me and my aunt.. Or cousin or my second cousin’s wife or so word called once removed you know what this family is to big and confusing so I will just call her my cousin. She calls and we just catch up about how crappy the Canadian weather has been and how we have been so very busy with Christmas and that’s why we have been missing calls. 

Then she asks “So how old is she now”. Now if she asked my mom that my mom would know she was asking about me. But she’s talking to me and I’m thinking why does she wanna know my mama’s age. I don’t think my mom would even want others to know her age. So I ask “Whos age” and replies “Carly’s age”………

I AM CARLY. I didn’t yell that loud but I did it speak up “Your carly” She asked “Yeahh”. She paused for a good moment and I mean like full-on dead silence dead air on the other side of the phone “YOU SOUND JUST LIKE YOUR MUM’ WIth her very British accent. God knows how long we would have been talking before she relaized or I realized that she thought I was mom when I was actually well Carly. 

It seems that this “You sound just like your mom” will forever be a thing when I pick up the phone. Hope you enjoyed this very maybe not so funny story. It sounded way better in person. Aha